-Amber M.

"I LOVED it!" I'm way more confident and now I'm more aware of the mean things I say to myself.

- Vicki W.

"This has definitely changed my life and my way of thinking."

-Lisa M.

"Every woman should do this. I learned so much, and gained lots of confidence!!"

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21 Days to Confident$21

  • Total payment
  • 1x21 Days to Confident$21
  • 21 texts$7

All prices in USD

21 Days to Confident will help you: 

  • Trust your intuition more 
  • Have more fun in your everyday life. 
  • Strengthen your relationships 
  • Love yourself more

“I am a pretty confident person. I do like myself, but I do get in a slump and get depressed from time to time. With Kelli’s workshop I learned how I can beat the slump!" 

-Jaelyn H.

"Prior to this workshop I had a very negative perspective of my life... Through the daily tasks I’ve been able to appreciate what I can truly do and give some time to myself to love and appreciate me which in turn, helps me love and help others around me more efficiently." 

- Cathy L.

"I was really struggling with life when I signed up to do this. I felt utterly lost. This workshop was eye-opening! I was learning how to let go of my own fears and doubts and truly embrace myself, warts and all! Thank you!"

-Carol-Ann B.
